Can I really clean my carpet with Bleach? Here’s the truth !!

Manufacturers can now advertise their carpets as being Bleach cleanable, So long as the carpet is made from 100% Polypropylene this absolutely true. And by this they don’t mean a carpet spray containing bleach, but they really mean your non-perfumed ’thin’ domestic bleach. My first bit of advice would be to check first that the carpet polypropylene and not just a nylon fibre. Then secondly test clean a spot somewhere out of sight, or preferably if you have a of waste left over from the installation of your carpet, test your bleach on that first. Some manufacturers suggest using a part bleach and part water solution, so it is always best to check with them first. With practice providing the carpet is suitable, almost any stain including Red wine, Permanent marker & dried in blackcurrant can be cleaned off with bleach. Due to the fact that bleach does not contain any sticky residue, the stain will not appear to come back over time due to dust attraction. (which is usually the case with the so-called magic foam spray-on carpet cleaners) Spot cleaning your carpet with bleach is not hard on your wallet either, your everyday thin bleach from tesco’s (15p a litre) will do the trick.

Next Post – PU Underlay is it as good as they claim?

Have you cleaned your carpet with bleach before? What was the result do you have some advice to share?

How does and will a Stain Treatment help my carpet?

Stains treatments such as scotch Guard are used by most manufacturers of wool carpets, reason being is that is offers protection to wool carpets as they don’t tend to spot clean quite as easy the man-made alternatives such as Polypropylene. Some companies however do not provide this treatment, not just the cheaper companies either this can also be the case with the top end companies. Scotch Guard can always be added after the carpet has been fitted, it is wise to contact a separate company who specializes in stain treatment to do the job for you, as they may be able to provide you with some sort of warranty (which is always good). The treatment will and does wear off in time so repeat treatments may be necessary.

Man-made carpets are rarely treated these days, some fibres such as polypropylene are an inherently stain resistant fibre, meaning that when viewed under a microscope the shape of the fibre can be seen that it does not easily accept the stain. For these reasons polypropylene carpets do not need a stain treatment and will retain its stain resisting properties for its entire
lifetime. Polypropylene is so tough that it is almost impossible to fade, and can in most cases
be cleaned with bleach (Diluted bleach) !

Next blog post – Cleaning with bleach and how to go about it.

Scotch guard is one example of a well used and reputable stain treatment,  have you used anything else and what was your experiences with it? If you have any comment at all regarding stain treatment, please SHARE … Thank-you !