Which Underlay is best to buy? & What are PU Underlays?

Underlay is not just there to make the carpet feel soft, it helps to spread the weight of foot traffic and provide a cushioning effect which in turn helps the pile surface to withstand the effects of normal use. Staircases rely on underlay to an even greater degree, and if the underlay goes flat on the nosings of the stairs, accelerated wear will be the result. Any warranty provided by the manufacturers of the carpet is usually void if the carpet is fitted on a used underlay.
As a general rule, only the better quality underlays tend to retain their spring and give the ultimate underfoot feel. Poor grades, particularly some cheap rubber waffle (the traditional bobbly ones) can go very flat in 3 to 5 years, certainly after 5 to 8 years most underlays will be past their best, and it would be wise to fit a new underlay with a new carpet after this time. If you decide to check on the quality of your underlay, be sure to check it in the areas where you actually walk, it’s rather pointless feeling the thickness of the underlay in the corner or at the edge of the room, as in these areas it will not have been subject to any use. My personal opinion would be to only re-use an underlay if it is under 2 years old and is a good quality underlay, if there is any sign of use at this point, or it’s been down for more than 2 years, I would certainly change for new, as the old underlay would not continue to last for the lifespan of the new carpet.
Underlay technology has come a long way in the last few years, with the introduction of flat profile PU underlays that do not feature the ‘bobbly’ underside, this provides a better support for the carpet and is particularly recommended for staircases where rubber waffle underlays are now thought to be unsuitable. Some of the latest high quality products on the market include the award-winning ‘Cloud 9’ range from Ball & Young with their association with British Vita. This range of underlays feature the same quality of product in several thickness‘s, so it can be tailored to different areas of the home and to suit all budgets. Underlays have never made your carpet feel so comfortable, with super thickness products such as the amazing 11mm ‘Cloud 9 – Cumulus’, which is guaranteed to last as long as the carpet that it is used with. The only disadvantage of thick soft underlays, is that they can allow furniture to sink into the carpet, combined with the fact that today’s fashion is for plain carpets, it can mean that dints under heavy furniture can be visible. If this trait would worry you, you could either use one of the thinner products to minimize the problem, or seek a slightly more firm underlay, which Ball & Young can also provide, but obviously this does lose some of the soft feel of the finished result, it’s your choice. Caster cups should be used under sofa legs, or in a case where the legs are hidden, squares of plyboard or solid drinks coasters can be used to help spread the weight and prevent the furniture from sinking into the carpet. Moving furniture on a regular basis will help prevent the indentations becoming permanent.

Next post – A section about the different types of carpet backing’s & which is the best type for you to use !!!

What have your experience’s been with Underlay?
Have you used  the Cloud 9 Range? , If so what was your opinion?
Please if anyone has a recommendation of any underlay please share with use?

Thank You For Reading, Hope this helped & don’t forget to check out my previous Posts 🙂 Have a good day 🙂

Can I really clean my carpet with Bleach? Here’s the truth !!

Manufacturers can now advertise their carpets as being Bleach cleanable, So long as the carpet is made from 100% Polypropylene this absolutely true. And by this they don’t mean a carpet spray containing bleach, but they really mean your non-perfumed ’thin’ domestic bleach. My first bit of advice would be to check first that the carpet polypropylene and not just a nylon fibre. Then secondly test clean a spot somewhere out of sight, or preferably if you have a of waste left over from the installation of your carpet, test your bleach on that first. Some manufacturers suggest using a part bleach and part water solution, so it is always best to check with them first. With practice providing the carpet is suitable, almost any stain including Red wine, Permanent marker & dried in blackcurrant can be cleaned off with bleach. Due to the fact that bleach does not contain any sticky residue, the stain will not appear to come back over time due to dust attraction. (which is usually the case with the so-called magic foam spray-on carpet cleaners) Spot cleaning your carpet with bleach is not hard on your wallet either, your everyday thin bleach from tesco’s (15p a litre) will do the trick.

Next Post – PU Underlay is it as good as they claim?

Have you cleaned your carpet with bleach before? What was the result do you have some advice to share?

Ever stained your Carpet? Want to know the best way to tackle it …

Speed is of the essence when it comes to dealing with a stain. Two rules exist, both worth remembering about. Firstly NEVER rub the carpet, this will risk damaging the pile surface and creating a fuzzy unwanted mess. And yes it will be there forever,  even if you do get the stain out.
The second rule , is to add as little foreign substance to the carpet as possible. It is not a good idea to head straight for the spray-on foam or cleaner, all of these products despite their claims, will leave residue in the carpet then attracting dirt afterwards.
The first thing you should do is head for the kitchen, if you’ve spilled food grab something to scrape up the solids with, also get a mug or small bowl of Tepid water, once you’ve carefully removed the solids add the water. This will dilute the stain and help lift it to the surface. Next use a clean kitchen tissue or slightly damp cloth to dab/press the stain to draw it up. Turn the cloth around as you go, or replace with another clean one if required. There is no harm in wetting the carpet so long as you don’t add too much water,  a mug or two is fine. You could help by standing on the cloth pushing down with all your weight, the added pressure will help bring up the stain. Now using some clean dry towels the aim is to draw up the water by dabbing and pressing, remember DO NOT RUB.
Whenever cleaning up a stain, always take action and get to the stain as quickly as possible, for any stain the first couple of minutes are crucial, yet still take your time to do the job thoroughly as once the carpet is wet from the water you’ve added, you’ll not truly know until it’s dry whether you have been  successful in removing the stain. If the area dry and the stain I still there, you’re too late!! It’s time to call as professional. If you wasn’t successful the first time, do not try again,  it’s always better to pay a professional than to ruin your carpet. If you’ve read this and still feel that you want to use a carpet foam cleaner, always test it in an inconspicuous first to see that it is suitable for your carpet. Always remember to rinse out all the cleaning chemicals with tepid water, again do not rub. If your carpet is a wool carpet you must always remember to re-treat your carpet against stains, else you’ll notice the cleaned area getting unevenly dirty compared to the rest of your carpet. Hope this helps all that has read it. Thank-you.

Next blog post to be posted will be a small segment about Stain treatments, What is … and which carpets need Stain treatment

How have your encounters with stains gone? Do you feel that you have some great advice for someone who is about to tackle a stain if so SHARE …. Looking forward to your comments 🙂